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Dear Single Girls | Relatioships + Christ-Centered Love

It's hard to be single in a world that says that's not enough. It's hard to feel "not enough". It's hard to feel left out in a crowd of people in relationships, married, or engaged. It's hard to see someone persuing that girl over there and feeling that ache because no one is pursuing you. It's hard to feel all the feels that come with being single. I'm right there with you, sweet sister! ♥️ You're not alone. BUT God has something magical in store for us and I want to talk about it with you! We can't stay stuck in this wondering, mourning, questioning, whatever negative feelings you've got going on because God calls us to something MORE! Something bigger than ourselves. Something that isn't focused on us or our desires for a husband. Something greater than we could ever ask or imagine. He calls us to live FOR HIM! Not for ourselves and if you're anything like me, that's a hard lesson to learn and a struggle to live by. It's not natural for us as humans to live for God, but God calls us to live in the not-natural, the super-natural. He calls us to stop looking at the broken and hard as a home and start looking at it as a gift and a valley to walk THROUGH! Sister friend, He is calling us to be for Him! That can most certainly involve a husband, but it doesn't start and stop with one. It should start with Jesus and be all about Jesus and never end because of Jesus! Our joy and our contentment should never rest in a man, but rather in Jesus! Our worth is in Christ alone and His gracious work on the cross. We were bought with a price and we get to live like it!! When the Lord started really convicting me about this, about how much of me was rooted in finding a husband and how I wasn't living out my purpose and calling because I was too distracted by the prospect of a husband, it was then that I really began to live FOR Him and live that abundant life! He started really showing me what He had for me and what I should do and it is the best!! Getting to live and not waiting to live until I'm married. Getting to bless people now. Getting to work for the glory of God. Getting to do kingdom work in a deeper way. It's the best!! I have felt so much joy and fulfilment because Jesus has done a work in my heart and I am praying that over you, sweet friend! We can have abundance now and there can be great, huge abundance when the Lord leads us to our man. Where He has you is the best place to be! What He has called you to is the best thing to do. Plan and prepare for your future, don't get stuck in today, but be present and stop looking to the not yet as your whole life and reason for being. Dramatic much?? I know, but if you're anything like me that was, at the very least, subconsciously your heart for awhile. I don't want to live in the future or wait for my dreams of a husband and family to come true to live for Jesus! To honor Him and be all in to the kingdom work God has called me to. Friend, we are going to need to be fully satisfied in Jesus even after we have a husband because that is how the Lord designed us. He designed us to need Him and to not be truly satisfied with anything less. I know none of us single girls want to hear that when we finally get a guy he won't be enough, but that's the truth, sister! He will never, ever be enough to truly satisfy you, only Jesus can do that! So set yourself up for success and look to Jesus NOW and then later when you're married you won't be relying on your husband to be everything and instead you'll already have everything in Jesus Christ. It's a heavy burden to put on any human. It's a heavy burden to put on a husband. It's a heavy burden to put on you. It's not abundance, it's slavery to a lie. The lie that says he'll be enough and he can make you happy and you don't need anything more-- you do!! You need Jesus and you can't live without Him! Let us believe the truth that we need Jesus and He is our ultimate satisfaction, always.

Husband's are great from what I've heard and I'm a huge proponent of marriage, I just don't want us to nor is it scriptural to live for a perfect love story and happily ever after. Also, if your beautiful self is married this definitely applies to you, too! ♥️ Lots of love beautiful humans! *Muah*

With love,
Your single sister trying to learn how to live for Jesus above everything else ♥️ (((hugs)))


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