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Dear Future Husband | Another Letter to You

Dear future husband,

Someday the "future" is going to be taken out of that, but until then I think I'm just going to write and write and write to you and praise the Lord for this season and when the "future" is my "right now" we will all be able to see how good God has been and how far He has brought me and we can all rejoice in the Lord over His goodness, power, mercy, and truly amazing grace!

The Lord has been teaching me so much about relationships, marriage, and singleness over the last two/three years and I'm so grateful! He has been teaching more recently about contentment and finding my worth, satisfaction, fulfilment, and joy...and everything else in Him alone! Not Him plus anything else! Him ALONE! I'm going to be really honest and say, that's been hard for me. It's hard and then He reminds me and shows me more of how truly awesome He is! He shows me so much of Himself-- what He's done and who He is. He shows me that He loves so intimately and so graciously. He loves so big and so fiercely. He knows everything about me, more than I know about myself. He is all-knowing, all-powerful, all-sufficient! He is altogether worthy and holy! He is so kind. He gives so generously and so graciously. He gives with great joy. He is so good! He shows me truths like these and it isn't so hard anymore. My struggle in making Him my everything isn't because He isn't deserving, but because I'm forgetting that it's not about me and it's not about this world! I get caught up and stuck in the lie that it's all about what I want and everything I could want can be provided by this world and God has been so gracious in teaching and reminding me of His truths and bringing me back to Himself! He has been convicting me and leading me in repentance and I'm so grateful! So, so grateful! He has been so gracious to fill me up with gratitude and joy! So, I'm learning that you're not where it all starts and stops, but rather Jesus is where it starts and it never stops!! The "it" being joy, hope, satisfaction, fulfilment, worth, meaning, abundant Life. Jesus is life!! He breaths life into me and gives hope! I'm learning all of these wonderful things about how to live, how to thrive, and how to not wait to start living. I'm learning that without a man doesn't mean going without. I'm learning that there is SO. MUCH. WONDERFUL. BEAUTY. HERE! Right now! In this moment! Where I'm at! Hallelujah! God is so good!! He is so gracious to teach us! There is life here and I'm learning to legit live and dance like a crazy person with crazy, abundant joy in Jesus alone!! {{I did that today while I was getting ready and it is definitely one of my favorite moments worshipping Jesus! ♥️}} Someday there will be a new song in my heart, but this will always remain a precious gift and a wonderful season! Thank You, Lord!



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! It all comes from Jesus and I'm so grateful! ❤️ I so appreciate your commenting ! ❤️ Blessings, b

    2. I guess I should mention that it's Trinity! Sorry I'm bad with letting people know that it's me😉 miss you!

    3. Awe! Hi! 🙋Miss you, too! ❤️


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